Research Themes2024-07-17T09:28:56+00:00

Research Themes

The performance of Stress in Action will be divided across three Research Themes. Despite their different goals, the three RTs are strongly interlinked. The RTs address their main research questions using similar existing datasets, tools and intervention techniques, and a shared enriched data infrastructure. The themes elaborate on each other’s results, and have overlap in contributing SiA consortium members.

Research Theme 1: Towards a comprehensive theory of stress in a daily life context2023-04-16T14:48:58+00:00
The aim of RT1 is to develop a comprehensive evidence-based theory of daily life stress, determine the key contextual factors in the aetiology of the daily life stress responses, and test how these stress responses are moderated by evoking/buffering environmental factors and person-specific vulnerability and resilience characteristics.
Research Theme 2: Assessment of stress in daily life for monitoring and intervention2023-04-16T14:53:21+00:00

The goal of RT2 is to develop increasingly sophisticated versions of a cutting-edge, low-burden, ecologically valid ambulatory assessment toolkit to quantify stress in daily life, and to design, test, and iteratively improve stress interventions using that toolkit.

Research Theme 3: Impact of daily life stress response on integrated mental & somatic health2023-04-16T14:53:37+00:00

The aim of RT3 is to determine the impact of daily life stress responses, in interaction with personal vulnerability and resilience characteristics, on the development and course of mental and cardiometabolic health, using enriched longitudinal cohort data as well as clinical intervention approaches.

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