The brain works in cooperation with the peripheral nervous system (PNS) in maintaining homeostasis and responding to stressful[...]
This paper describes the large heterogeneity of depression. The awareness that depression can be accompanied with immune and[...]
Using heart rate to detect stressful moments in daily life is difficult, because physical activity and changes in[...]
This review explores the link between stress and obesity. Chronic stress, often linked to high levels of the[...]
This paper explores how chronic psychological and biological stress are related to appetite-regulating hormones in people with obesity.[...]
One of the SiA Career support Core’s (CASC) main goals is to provide education in areas such[...]
On the 25th of November the Stress in Action consortium gathered again in Amersfoort for their Fall[...]
This paper explores how long-term stress, measured through cortisol and cortisone levels in hair, affects long-term eating behavior[...]
On the 28th of November 2024 prof. dr. ir. Monique Tabak successfully completed her inaugural lecture 'Embracing differences',[...]
Stress Navigation is online! Stress is complex and multifaceted and we all experience[...]
On the 14th of October 2024, prof. dr. Matthijs Noordzij and colleagues organised a networking event at GGz[...]
George Aalbers, Julius März, and Merel van den Berg represented Stress in Action at the MindTech Summit[...]