Malin Katja Meyer is a PhD candidate in the Health Science department of the University Medical Center Groningen. Malin obtained a Research Master’s Degree in Behavioral and Social Sciences with a specialization in Clinical Psychology. She has worked on different research projects centered around psychological well-being and health. Malin has a strong interest in conceptual and theoretical work and is part of the theory development of Research Theme 1 of Stress in Action. Specifically, Malin focuses on the different kinds of stressors present in modern society as well as different relevant contextual factors of stress.
Research question
“What are key daily life stressors and contextual factors in the aetiology of daily life stress responses?”
The main goal of my project is to develop an interdisciplinary taxonomy that conceptualizes, identifies, and contextualizes daily life stressors across multiple life domains (e.g., work, family). Further, my project will identify new daily life stressors that arise from contemporary societal changes (e.g., digitalization of work). The first step towards this taxonomy is an interdisciplinary literature review on the existing conceptualizations, classifications, and contextualization of daily life stressors. With this review I aim to provide an interdisciplinary overview, identify gaps, and integrate knowledge whenever possible.
Malin Meyer
PhD student,
UMC Groningen

Areas of Expertise