Lino von Klipstein is a postdoctoral researcher at the Department of Developmental Psychology at the University of Groningen. In his work and studies, he has experience as a psychologist and researcher. During his PhD, he focused on the intersection of clinical practice and research by working on the clinical application of ecological momentary assessment in mental health care. Within SiA, Lino is part of RT1, focusing on stress theory.

Research question

“How is stress conceptualized in the existing theoretical literature?”


RT1 is tasked with developing a new extendible framework that conceptualizes stress as resulting from continuous interactions between key environmental exposures and four subsystems: emotions, cognitive appraisal and regulation strategies, physiological responses, and behavioural reactions. To start this process, I am performing a scoping review of existing stress theories in the literature. An important goal of this review is to distinguish between theories that describe differences between people versus processes within people and (where possible) to identify the timescale within-person processes are thought to take place on.

Lino von Klipstein

University of Groningen

Portrait photo of Lino von Klipstein

Lino is member of the
Junior Think Tank