Beginning of June, PhD students from VU Amsterdam, Myrte Schoenmakers, Melisa Saygin and Sjors van de Ven, presented their research at the annual meeting of the Society for Ambulatory Assessment in Ann Harbor, Michigan, United States.

Myrte presented her study on a cuffless minute-to-minute blood pressure monitoring method. She combined the strengths of a diverse group of researchers for the symposium on the versality of bio-impedance including Melisa Saygin and herself as SiA researchers.

Melisa demonstrated why speech detection in ambulatory research should become common practice to avoid misinterpretations in psychophysiological data. She discussed her machine learning-based methodology for training and validating high-performance speech detection models using privacy-sensitive biosignals retrieved from respiratory inductance plethysmography, impedance pneumography, and upper sternum-placed accelerometers and gyroscopes.

Sjors presented his work on his machine learning method for detection of additional heart rate from ECG and accelerometer data.