On the 12th of October 2023 prof. dr. Matthijs Noordzij successfully completed his inaugural lecture on wearables, thereby accepting and celebrating his appointment to professor in Health Psychology and Technology at University of Twente.
The lecture’s main focus was on wearables, like smart watches, in the theme of Health Psychology and Persuasive Technology. The questions addressed were: What are the advantages of this technology in prevention and self management? How well is this technology developed? How do we use wearables in research on health and behaviour? Prof. dr. Noordzij concluded the lecture by stressing the relationship of these technologies and the human dimension and not losing focus of this human dimension. By starting from core values such as compassion in the design of technology, we would have a greater opportunity to make a positive and meaningful impact for a broad group of people.
Stress in Action Executive Comittee at the inaugural lecture of prof. dr. Noordzij, 12th of October 2023