Femke Lamers
Associate Professor

Associate professor
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0.4 fte/year for 10 years
Amsterdam UMC
Femke Lamers (1980, PhD) is associate professor and principle investigator at the Psychiatry department of Amsterdam UMC. She is a psychiatric epidemiologist and program leader of the Mental health program of the Amsterdam Public Health research institute.
Dr. Lamers was first introduced to ambulatory assessment during a three-year fellowship at the National Institute of Mental Health, USA, with whom she continues to collaborate. Consequently, she has extensive international collaborations in a network of researchers using accelerometry in psychiatry. She has widely published on stress-related disease and brings useful expertise for Stress in Action on ambulatory behaviour assessment in relation to stress and mental health through her active involvement in NESDA’s Ecological Momentary Assessment and accelerometry substudy, the MARCH network (Motor Activity Research Consortium for Health), and the international ambulatory depression monitoring project (EU-RADAR-CNS) for which she was local study coordinator and manager. Her expertise with management of large-scaled ambulatory actigraphy and EMA data will be used through co-leading the DISC.
- Lamers has been awarded a NWO Rubicon fellowship and the EU-funded Marie Sklodowska-Curie international re-integration grant programme.
- She is an active member of the Society for Ambulatory Assessment, by serving on the Social media and website committee.
- She is program leader of the Mental health program of the Amsterdam Public Health research institute.
- She is co-investigator in many EU-funded projects, including the H2020 EarlyCause, TO-Aition, and IMI-RADAR-CNS projects.
- She is involved in the post-initial Epidemiology Master EpidM as exam coordinator and curriculum committee member.
- Difrancesco S, Riese H, Merikangas KR, Shou H, Zipunnikov V, Antypa N, van Hemert AM, Schoevers RA, Penninx BWJH, Lamers F.J. Sociodemographic, Health and Lifestyle, Sampling, and Mental Health Determinants of 24-hour Motor Activity Patterns: Observational Study. Med Internet Res. 2021 Feb 17;23(2):e20700. doi: 10.2196/20700.PMID: 33595445
- Difrancesco S, Penninx BWJH, Merikangas KR, van Hemert AM, Riese H, Lamers F. Within-day bidirectional associations between physical activity and affect: A real-time ambulatory study in persons with and without depressive and anxiety disorders. Depress Anxiety. 2022 Dec;39(12):922-931. doi: 10.1002/da.23298. Epub 2022 Nov 7.PMID: 36345264
- Hu MX, Lamers F, Hiles SA, Penninx BW, de Geus EJ. Basal autonomic activity, stress reactivity, and increases in metabolic syndrome components over time. Psychoneuroendocrinology 2016;71:119-26.
- Matcham F, Leightley D, Siddi S, Lamers F, White KM, Annas P, de Girolamo G, Difrancesco S, Haro JM, Horsfall M, Ivan A, Lavelle G, Li Q, Lombardini F, Mohr DC, Narayan VA, Oetzmann C, Penninx BWJH, Bruce S, Nica R, Simblett SK, Wykes T, Brasen JC, Myin-Germeys I, Rintala A, Conde P, Dobson RJB, Folarin AA, Stewart C, Ranjan Y, Rashid Z, Cummins N, Manyakov NV, Vairavan S, Hotopf M; RADAR-CNS consortium. Remote Assessment of Disease and Relapse in Major Depressive Disorder (RADAR-MDD): recruitment, retention, and data availability in a longitudinal remote measurement study. BMC Psychiatry. 2022 Feb 21;22(1):136. doi: 10.1186/s12888-022-03753-1.PMID: 35189842
- Matcham F, Carr E, White KM, Leightley D, Lamers F, Siddi S, Annas P, de Girolamo G, Haro JM, Horsfall M, Ivan A, Lavelle G, Li Q, Lombardini F, Mohr DC, Narayan VA, Penninx BWHJ, Oetzmann C, Coromina M, Simblett SK, Weyer J, Wykes T, Zorbas S, Brasen JC, Myin-Germeys I, Conde P, Dobson RJB, Folarin AA, Ranjan Y, Rashid Z, Cummins N, Dineley J, Vairavan S, Hotopf M; RADAR-CNS consortium. Predictors of engagement with remote sensing technologies for symptom measurement in Major Depressive Disorder. J Affect Disord. 2022 Aug 1;310:106-115. doi: 10.1016/j.jad.2022.05.005. Epub 2022 May 5.PMID: 35525507