Photo gallery Consortium Days June 2023

  • Ute Bültmann presenting at the Stress in Action Consortium meeting 8th of June 2023
  • Brenda Penninx presenting at the Stress in Action Consortium meeting 8th of June 2023
  • Matthijs Noordzij and Eco de Geus presenting at the Stress in Action Consortium meeting 8th of June 2023
  • Stress in Action Consortium meeting 8th of June 2023
  • Stress in Action Consortium meeting 8th of June 2023
  • Marcella Rietschel and Ute Bültmann at the Stress in Action consortium meeting June 2023
  • Brenda Penninx and Willeke Kitselaar presenting at the Stress in Action Consortium meeting 8th of June 2023
  • Mark Hoogendoorn and Ellen Hamaker presenting at the Stress in Action Consortium meeting 8th of June 2023
  • Stress in Action Consortium meeting 8th of June 2023
  • Group photo Stress in Action consortium 2023