Eric Boersma studied Mathematics and Epidemiology. He is full professor of Clinical Epidemiology of Cardiovascular Diseases at Erasmus MC, Rotterdam, where he leads the Clinical Epidemiology and Innovation Unit of the department of Cardiology. He has over 30 years experience in the fields of cardiovascular diseases and biostatistics. His teaching and research interests focus on statistical and epidemiological methods for clinical data analysis, risk modelling in cardiovascular diseases, with emphasis on the role of imaging and blood biomarkers, and sex differences in medicine. He supervised over 30 PhD students and published over 700 journal articles in these areas ( Eric is chair of the Erasmus MC Cardiovascular Institute, member of the Dutch Medicines Evaluation Board, and member of the Health Council of the Netherlands.

Eric Boersma

Professor of Clinical Epidemiology of Cardiovascular Diseases,
Erasmus MC

Portrait photo of Eric Boersma
